After clocking off from helping sleep deprived families, spending quality time with my own, and making killer reels for my Instagram, the way I like to unwind is a quiet night on the couch, red wine in hand, a bowl full of potato chips, and in control of the Netflix remote!

Hello, my name is Claire…
I’m a wife to my high school sweetheart, mother being outnumbered by two gorgeous boys, and a sleep geek living in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney!
After my son Oscar was born, I learned first-hand what sleep deprivation was like, how quickly you can lose faith in your intuition as a mother, how utterly conflicting and unsettling all the advice is, and how alone you can feel in the dark hours of unbearably broken sleep.
After some horrible experiences attempting to sleep train myself, I discovered a whole new way to managing sleep that actually felt right! Not wanting other families to experience what I did, I took my passion and studied (four different certifications!) to become a Certified Infant and Child Holistic Sleep Consultant and ever since, it has been my mission to help other sleep deprived families get more rest in a way that they are actually comfortable with!

Our approach is holistic and whole child focused; we work individually with families using gentle and responsive – but effective – sleep stratergies to help their little ones get back on track with their natural sleep rhythm, and to meet the sleep goals of the family.
We truly understand there is no one size fits, everyone’s temperament traits and sensory preferences impact sleep – even we adults have some quirky sleep habits – I have to sleep with 3 pillows on my actual face, and love some white noise to drift off to! This is why we take the time to get to know the family seeking help, their environment, situation, parenting style, and the personality and temperament of the child, and work with them to co-create a plan that is perfect for them – and gets them all back to sleep!
Sleep is important for babies, children, and adults alike. As parents, we cannot pour from an empty cup and our approach will have the whole family feeling more rested!
Whether it is cat napping, settling, sleep routines or making big changes like night weaning, we are ready for your call or to kick start your sleep consultation to have the whole family sleeping better! Each time I hear from a family about their success in their new sleep routine or settling techniques, I do a little happy dance knowing that their life is forever changed. I hope I am dancing for you next!

free awake window and nap guide
Are you standing next to the cot tossing up between ‘never wake a sleeping baby’, and ‘let them sleep late and they won’t settle to bed?’ Give your intuition a little boost when it comes to awake windows and nap times, with our free guide – just pop your email address below to be sent your copy!